Arthritis Treatments

The team at NEOH Functional Rehab in Cleveland, OH, is dedicated to helping you eliminate or reduce pain. Inflammation can create pain throughout the body. If you have Arthritis, you have one of the chronic symptoms of inflammation. While there is no cure for arthritis, proper management can help you manage symptoms better, so you can have better flexibility and less pain.

What Is Arthritis?

When you have arthritis, you have inflammation and tenderness in your joints. For many people, it shows up as stiffness and sometimes can be painful. 

Arthritis can come in different forms, such as osteoarthritis, which is when your joint cartilage is breaking down. Rheumatoid arthritis is caused by an autoimmune deficiency that damages joint lining and can lead to deformities in the extremities. Gout often causes severe swelling in the foot area. Some people with the skin condition psoriasis may also have a related form of arthritis, named psoriatic arthritis.

While there is no cure for this disease, going to a chiropractic specialist may help you take major steps in healing or possible prevention. After all, the spine is the center of mobility and the nervous system. 


How Chiropractic and Functional Care Can Help

When you're living with arthritis in Cleveland, OH, consulting with a specialist at NEOH Functional Rehab can help you take steps in aligning your body. With a chiropractic adjustment, you can straighten your spine, which reduces pressure on the cartilage cushioning your spinal joints. It also reduces pressure on your nervous system, which is how your body regulates your immune response.

Chiropractors and functional rehab specialists can guide you in stretching your ligaments and muscles without hurting them. You have access to physical therapy and active exercises you can do at home. Cold laser therapy may also be effective in helping manage arthritis, as this treatment promotes the generation of new cells. Massage therapy can also ease your tense muscles and break up scar tissue that may build and cause a limited range of motion.

The team at NEOH Functional Rehab can help you manage your arthritis in Cleveland, OH. From realigning joints, easing soft tissue, generating new cells, and enabling better immune regulation, you may experience reduced inflammation and less pain. We have two locations in Cleveland, OH. Call Northcoast Rehab at 216-721-9010 and Tremont Functional Rehab and Health at 216-284-3077 to learn more and schedule a consultation.

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